The American
political debate rediscover women. It seems to go back in time, so far away, when
one realize that women could be important, but not for their role as
housekeepers, because it was, and is, a matter of fact, it doesn’t matter admit
its significance, neither as active companion in the arrangement of society,
nowadays we still are a “protected” minority, but we are however a score to
conquer, as it always was in an atavistic behaviour.
So in the XI century what Giambattista Vico called “occurrences and recurrences of history” is happening again, history again presents itself.
Reading American newspapers one can think that women have become an important issue, and it is but just as a mere hoard of votes, so why not to buy them up in any, also clumsy, way?
So in the XI century what Giambattista Vico called “occurrences and recurrences of history” is happening again, history again presents itself.
Reading American newspapers one can think that women have become an important issue, and it is but just as a mere hoard of votes, so why not to buy them up in any, also clumsy, way?
Democrats cut the freedom of women, granted by free birth control, on the protests of some religious, Republicans,
on the other hand, are alarmed by
this strategy for conquer women’s attention and have to find a way
and finally they did: the solution has come, an old, as ancient as
Bible, one
could say, and in effect, you won’t believe it!, it’s about Bible;
“what???-You may say", yes: Bible. It’s in there, in fact, that Republicans have found the offensive action to
reconquer women’s votes. Yes, you've right read and understood: the Bible.
In the
recent republican congress, Steve Pearce, has argumented his strategy to give his
party a refreshment with women’s vote. In his latest book “Just Fly the Plane,stupid!”, Pearce dishes out his recipe: “ The wife is to voluntarily submit to her husband” as it’s written in the Bible, even if he
also admit that: “ the principle is among the
most controversial of all directives coming from the Bible” and continue to
argue that,- so don’t worry ladies-, the submission doesn’t mean inferiority,
-don’t misunderstood sisters-, because it’s “rather that husbands and wives play
different roles” in fact “ the husband’s part is to show up
during the times of stress, take the leadership role and be accountable for the
outcome, blaming no one else”, hear ye.
It’s just a
matter of “ obedience to the Lord and of love her husband” and her (re-new) lord, one could add.
It seems to hear the voice of Pope Pio X who in 1930 wrote the Enciclica Casti Connubii where he argued that: "This order requires on one hand the superiority of the husband over his wife and children, and on the other hand, the ready subjection and obedience of his wife, not by force, but as is recommended by the Apostle in these words: "The women are subject to their husbands, as unto the Lord, because the man is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church ".
It seems to hear the voice of Pope Pio X who in 1930 wrote the Enciclica Casti Connubii where he argued that: "This order requires on one hand the superiority of the husband over his wife and children, and on the other hand, the ready subjection and obedience of his wife, not by force, but as is recommended by the Apostle in these words: "The women are subject to their husbands, as unto the Lord, because the man is head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church ".
But here we’re in
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott nation which, for sure, couldn’t ever
think that their revendication for a right, because it’s about this, a right,
would become a propaganda sheer tool at women's expense.
We’re in
here to notice once again, once more, that one is taking advantage of women and
only for scores that don’t refer to women’s growth in society, business,
health,.. it’s just the old, known story.
It’s to be said that “the world is a village”, from Italicum* to Unicum…unfortunately!.
It’s to be said that “the world is a village”, from Italicum* to Unicum…unfortunately!.
*It’s the
name of the latest Italian election proposal.