On 31st March is the Gender Pay Day and OG Gender Opportunity would like to share its article about Gender Pay Gap in Female Soccer that since one year ago was in NoiDonne blog. It is just a year ago but the things are the same.
Although the title refers to Female Sport, this article is a general and international analysis that moves from USA Female Soccer to the Gender Pay Gap in many EU countries, extra EU Countries and USA.The Female Football is affected by gender pay-gap
It's time for football European market and inevitably also of digits, but it is go unnoticed that the United States Women's national soccer team won the World Cup and earned a digit millionaire well below than that one received by their fellow men ...
by Silvia S. G. Palandri
In time of the European Football Championship, of soccer market and of numbers and figures, it did not find space, between the networks of national teams, the news that the U.S. Women's national soccer team scored a Bill through the US Senate which requires equal pay with its male colleagues.
The United States Women's national football team has won the World Cup and for this has gained an award of $2 million but its colleagues of the German Male National team which won the same victory in 2014 gained $30 million...everyone can see the glaring disparity that led the Women's national soccer team to protest openly to this treatment of blatant Inequality. The players themselves have estimated to earn as much as 25 percent less than their colleagues.
Senator Patty Murray has thus decided to support their protest and with twenty other senators filed a resolution which has been widely approved. However, the resolution has no legal effect but only a value of public pressure on the Government of football so much that another Senator, Patrick Lealhy, thought to present directly to FIFA another petition but was harshly opposed retaining other issues more urgent and necessary for the country.
This resolution is not the only proposal on wage equity to lie forgotten, in fact, even the "Fainess Paycheck Act" that would offer further guarantees at a federal level to the equal pay, and that would update the "Equal Pay Act of 1963, is now still in the USA Senate so that "the Kennedy-era law " is still in force.
The only law recently approved the wage equity was that of 2009, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act signed by President Obama at the beginning of his first term. With this Bill one wanted to mark the existent disequilibrium between male and female salaries trying to enshrine in law the equal pay for equal job.
This law bearing the name of an American citizen, Lilly Ledbetter, who once retired realized to perceive less than 40% compared to her colleagues and that after a legal battle against her former company did not see recognized her instances, losing the case.
This law bearing the name of an American citizen, Lilly Ledbetter, who once retired realized to perceive less than 40% compared to her colleagues and that after a legal battle against her former company did not see recognized her instances, losing the case.
It was perhaps to avoid this surprise that in Germany, where women earn 22 percent less than their colleagues, that the family,youth and for women Minister, Manuela Schwesig presented last year a preliminary bill to solve the pay-gap that should have given its effects already in 2016 if it had not run aground in Parliament opposed by many criticisms of both economic viability for companies both for the consequent fear for female employment levels; for someone in fact this equality would discourage businesses in hiring women.
This law furthermore proposes the online publication of the salaries as an instrument of guarantee of equal pay by category so that everyone can compare and verify the adequacy of their remuneration.
In the rest of Europe the situation for women is just as little profitable saw the average pay gap which amounted to 16.4% and where in Spain a women earn 17% less than men , the 15% less in France and receive a paycheck 20% lighter than men in Hungary, 30% in Finland and 19,4% in Estonia, and a 23.4% less in Austria.
The situation in countries that are outside the European Union such as Switzerland is also similar in fact in February the campaign "Equal Pay Day" triggered with the intent to re-enter the legislative planning for the three-year period 2016-2019, the law for wage equity that is required by the art. 8 of the Constitution and that instead the National Council has excerpted from the legislative programme.
The law for equal pay between men and women envisaged concrete measures that, according to the promoters of the campaign, would allow to overcome the imbalances in pay that in Switzerland stands at 18.4%.
The law for equal pay between men and women envisaged concrete measures that, according to the promoters of the campaign, would allow to overcome the imbalances in pay that in Switzerland stands at 18.4%.

And in football? Football and all Italian sports are adjusted by CONI and Federations which did not change the rules for which women's sports are ousted from the professionalism in accordance with a law of 1981, the n.91 of March 23, which defines the requirements of the professional athlete, all of whom are exclusive matters of the Federations. So that Women are and remain "amateurs".
The National Association of Female athletes, ASSIST, at its annual meeting, held at the national level, wanted to make note of this blatant situation of inequality and discrimination that affects women not only in economic terms but which affects also the level of social status and of performance evaluation.The protest of the athletes has been implemented by the bill n. 1996 in 2015 by the will of the Vice-President of the Senato Chamber Valeria Fedeli (-Minister of Education and University nowadays-) and Senator Josefa Idem and that draws to full professional recognition of the Italian Women athletes.
The bill, "Amendments to the Act 23 March 1981 n. 91 for the promotion of gender balance in the relationships between professional clubs and sports", was presented in July last year and after the reading in the Senate Chamber of the Republic, followed by the presentation, is still awaiting to the hearing.
The FIGC, the Italian Football Federation, for its part is trying a rehabilitation of the role of women's skills. In fact, the women's football clubs are under the National Amateur League, LDN, but for the 2015-2016 season the professional clubs of Men of Level A and B are required to ration at least 20 girls under 21 years old to increase the possibility that women can compete in various categories depending on age.
It was also given the opportunity to sell the sports title to entice professional clubs to be interested in women's football even in the most advanced levels.
These measures were planned under the Planning Guidelines for the Development of Women's Football. Meanwhile, perhaps thanks to these decisions, as a first effect, there was a sponsorship deal for a woman midfielder, Aurora Galli, with a famous brand of Italian shoes and sports products that for the first time has chosen to sponsor a woman footballer .
A favorable assists by the FIGC to the Italian Women soccer that should give its results in time but that can also lead to win the most important game: the equality in every field both economic and professional.
| 27 Giugno 2016
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