How to use these contents


The blog texts are original and therefore can be mentioned partially as required by the Italian law no. 633  1941  art. 70 and mentioning the author attribution and the site from which they were extracted.
In this case part of the work may be cited as:

Author: Silvia S. G. Palandri

It 'a good idea to specify the date of last access to the web source. (Last viewed on

You may quote the title of the post, for example:

Silvia S.G. Palandri "Beatrice Cenci a witness"

or simply just quote the blog by placing a direct link which does not need any authorization

Depending on the purpose it should never be for profit but  for classroompersonal and educational purposes  only and always citing motherhood anyway.

In any case it is absolutely illegal to copy and paste the intire texts of the blog.

Where not specified the contents are reserved, otherwise noted intellectual property is cited with author / authors and source (book, web, ...).

There are also tools at the end of each post that allow sharing within the social network without altering content and origin.

An e-mail to report me the successful quote of the blog contents will be appreciated.


Often the images used in this blog are derived from the web are not my property as expressed at the bottom of the Home page of the blog, except where otherwise stated with the OG logo. In this case the images OG expressly assigned to the blog may not be reproduced  or reprocessing without attribution.


The partial or total reproduction of the texts can be arranged by contacting me by email:

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